Hutt Street - Main Street Revitalisation
The revitalisation project aims to preserve and celebrate Hutt Street’s leafy green streetscape and historic village charm whilst providing a well-planned street
The revitalisation project aims to preserve and celebrate Hutt Street’s leafy green streetscape and historic village charm whilst providing a well-planned street
The revitalisation of O’Connell Street is progressing, enhancing safety, walkability, and green spaces while preserving its rich heritage
Temporary Closure of Bartels Road
Council has requested a review of its current program and development of an overarching Funding Programs Policy.
The purpose of the draft Strategy is to clarify Council’s role in economic development and set strategic directions for City of Adelaide and its subsidiaries.
We asked the community to share their views on the draft Light Square/Wauwi Master Plan (the draft Master Plan) to help shape the future of the Square
Your valuable ideas and feedback will shape the Gouger Street project and help deliver project success for the community
The 2024 Asset Management Plans were adopted by Council after amendments were made to the Plans that considered feedback received from the community.
The City of Adelaide is drafting an Urban Greening Strategy to help guide our priorities for greening into the future.
The Policy applies to the upgrade and redevelopment of community buildings that can be leased to community sport and recreation groups and educational organisations
Stakeholder and community feedback has resulted in changes to the Victoria Park / Pakapakanthi Master Plan.
The City of Adelaide has identified Melbourne Street as one of the key streets included in the Main Street Revitalisations.
Adelaide Park Lands Management Strategy (APLMS) - Towards 2036
The revitalisation project aims to preserve and celebrate Hutt Street’s leafy green streetscape and historic village charm whilst providing a well-planned street
Driving Resource Recovery in Public Spaces Green bins and Organic Collections Pilot
Three temporary footpath extension areas were identified in consultation with associated businesses and SAPOL.
Organics, Recycling and Waste
Draft 2020-2021 Business Plan & Budget
Cool Road Adelaide
Quentin Kenihan Inclusive Playspace
Find out more about current City Works Permits, and give your feedback on Permit applications
Eighty Eight O'Connell will assist in the revitalisation of the O’Connell Street precinct and will complement and expand on the existing offerings along O’Connell Street.
The city bikeways aim to deliver high-quality bike routes to encourage more people to travel by bike and create a more liveable city.
We are asking for feedback on an application for a City Works Permit
The revitalisation of O’Connell Street is progressing, enhancing safety, walkability, and green spaces while preserving its rich heritage
City of Adelaide is proposing changes to the Planning and Design Code, to revise the Historic Area Statements and nominate Representative Buildings
Temporary Closure of Bartels Road
Help shape the cultural future of the City of Adelaide!
Seeking feedback on the amendment to the Community Land Management Plan
The City of Adelaide (CoA) is committed to ensuring our By-laws reflect the needs and expectations of our community
We asked for feedback on the draft Stretch Reconciliation Action Plan's goals and priorities
Proposal for an event on a road
Find out more about the next stage of the Hutt Street Master Plan.
Delivering our Integrated Climate Strategy
Policy and Investment Plan - Stage One
Proposal for an event on a road
This upgrade will provide a high-quality pedestrian environment and experience, by putting people first through design features to create shade and widen footpaths
Feedback received will help shape our Integrated Transport Strategy, guiding the planning of streets and movement networks within the City of Adelaide
The planned renewal includes new road surface, new kerbs and widening the central median to allow for planting of trees and understorey plants.
We are planning to renew and upgrade this area, which includes putting in a new road surface, new kerbs, and new footpaths in certain areas.
A new Action Plan for 2025 to 2028
The 2024/25 Business Plan and Budget is the key annual operational and financial planning document for the City of Adelaide.
Planning for our city's future.
Use and development of land for the purposes of adult entertainment premises and/or adult products and services premises.
The City Plan outlines the City of Adelaide’s spatial plan for the sustainable growth and development of our city.
In 2022 the City of Adelaide consulted with the community to get their feedback on an initial draft concept design for the Upgrade of Pitt Street.
The Policy provides the basis for Council’s assessment and decision making on encroachments in the public realm as land custodian of public roads.
Intersection Footpath Renewal
Council has been requested to investigate making a portion of Reeces Lane one-way between Sturt Street and O’Brien Street.
Draft 2023/24 Business Plan and Budget
Let’s work together on our resilient, protected and sustainable city!
Kaurna Kardla Parranthi
Draft Heritage Strategy and Action Plan 2020 - 2035
Your contribution has helped us better understand how we can assist Adelaide to recover from the affects of COVID-19 and reimagine itself as a thriving city.
In 2020 City of Adelaide identified Hindley, Hutt, Melbourne and O’Connell Streets as priority main streets for an intensive program of Main Street Revitalisation.
Street Planting
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