Have your say on how we protect, promote and preserve our unique built, natural and cultural heritage in the City of Adelaide.

Update: June 2021

Council endorsed the City of Adelaide Heritage Strategy 2021 – 2036 and Action Plan on 10 May 2021. Thank you for taking the time to provide us with your feedback through our Your Say page. A total of 27 survey responses were received during the Your Say consultation period, 19 October 2020 - 16 November 2020. We considered the responses received during the consultation period before returning it to Council for final approval.

The overall level of support for the Strategy was very high. The Strategy’s Four Future Ideas: tried and true; World Heritage List bid for the Park Lands and City Layout; making heritage places and sharing our heritage information; and the Three Pillars: Protection; Preservation and Promotion, were well supported. The following themes were mentioned frequently by respondents across all questions:

  • More protection and preservation of our built heritage.
  • Loss of Adelaide’s unique character through high rise development and inappropriate new development adjacent to heritage places.
  • The city’s heritage character is a unique drawcard and should be valued.
  • Community participation is an essential ingredient for valuing our heritage.

Click here to view the final City of Adelaide Heritage Strategy 2021 – 2036 and Action Plan.

Engagement Background and Information

From the city layout to the surrounding Park Lands, Kaurna heritage, built heritage and the many layers of cultural heritage, there is much to celebrate and value in our city. The City of Adelaide’s highly successful Heritage Incentives Scheme has assisted owners in the care and preservation of their heritage properties for over 30 years. We want to continue protecting, promoting and preserving our heritage into the future. The Heritage Strategy and Action Plan 2020-2035 will guide heritage management in the City of Adelaide for the next 15 years.

We are seeking feedback from key stakeholders, City users and the broader community about the Strategy’s intent, structure and content to create a shared understanding of the Strategy and build partnerships to support future delivery.

Consultation is open until 5pm, Monday 16 November 2020