Contribute with your vision for the street!
Project Information

Do you live, work, shop or play in Melbourne Street? What do you love and what would you change?

Council is looking forward to having a conversation with the community about the long-term vision and objectives within the Melbourne Street Master Plan draft, to seek feedback on the community’s priorities and inform the direction for future actions and investments to revitalise Melbourne Street.


City of Adelaide has identified Melbourne Street as one of four priority main streets and is developing comprehensive plans for place revitalisation.

Place Coordinators have been appointed as single point of contacts for each of these main streets and a process of targeted data gathering and stakeholder engagement has been underway since February 2021. The outcomes of the data gathering and engagement to date has informed the development of Action Plans for each of the priority main streets, with initiatives implemented to add vibrancy.

Council will continue to engage with stakeholders and the community at key milestones in the Melbourne Street revitalisation journey. We encourage you to return to this page for updates and further engagement opportunities.

Footpath Extension Trial

As part of the revitalisation for Melbourne Street, temporary footpath extensions will be installed in late November 2022. The footpath extension trial responds directly to consultation feedback received about the existing on-street pedestrian experience and the desire to see pedestrian amenity improved. The trial will allow Council to monitor the impact of additional outdoor space on visitor use of the street, and whether changing footpath use can shift perceptions of Melbourne Street from an arterial route into the city to a precinct destination.

Two temporary footpath extension areas have been identified in consultation with associated businesses; The Lord Melbourne Hotel, Botten + Bowser and the Himalayan Kitchen. These footpath extensions will be edged with planter boxes to provide additional usable pedestrian space and to contribute an element of on-street greening with low-level plants. The installation of the footpath extension coincides with the removal of the hoarding and reinstatement of the footpath at the Botten + Bowser development site, and the trial is designed to have minimal impacts on street parking with parking spaces allocated to the trial offset by new spaces in West Pallant Street and Dunn Street. 

Feedback on the trial footpath extension will be reviewed on an ongoing basis, with a comprehensive evaluation after twelve months to determine the next steps.
