Find out more about the next stage of the Hutt Street Master Plan.

Adelaide is home to a diverse range of cultural boulevards, bustling main streets, laneways and neighbourhoods. Four of our main streets are currently undergoing development of Master Plans and a program of active engagement and activation, as part of the Main Street Revitalisation Project.

City of Adelaide has identified Gouger Street, Hindley Street, Hutt Street, Melbourne Street and O’Connell Street as priority main streets and is developing comprehensive plans for place revitalisation.

Stage 1: Entry Statement Project

As part of the Hutt Street Master Plan draft consultation, we have received the community’s views on the vision, design principles and objectives for Hutt Street as well as the identified actions.

The City of Adelaide, with significant support from the South Australian Government is kickstarting the first stage of the Hutt Street master plan through the Hutt Street Entry Statement project. The project will deliver a series of medium-terms actions, which align with the vision of the street and will contribute to an improved public realm to revitalise the precinct as an interim solution to the master plan.

A $4 million grant agreement has been initiated between the Department for Infrastructure and Transport, and the Corporation of the City of Adelaide, with $3 million allocated to the Hutt Street Entry Statement project, which will deliver these medium-term actions to achieve the overall purpose to:

Undertake main street improvement works, public realm and placemaking upgrades to revitalise the precinct.

The key deliverables of the Entry Statement Project as agreed with the Department for Infrastructure and Transport, and the Corporation of the City of Adelaide are as follows:

  1. Delivering an entry statement which will welcome residents and visitors to the city through Hutt Street, that echoes a similar treatment/artwork piece in the village “Heart of Hutt”.
  2. Wayfinding and lighting improvements between South Terrace and Halifax Street.
  3. Increasing greening and amenity through newly planted trees, entry statement plantings and landscape treatments.
  4. Creating a shared path along Hutt Road, formalising the Park Lands edging and increased amenity.
  5. Creating meeting places for locals and visitors

Construction of Entry Statement have commenced in April 2024, with an expected completion date in November 2024. The project will be constructed in conjunction with the upgrade to the existing Park Lands Trail crossing and renewal to the road surface funded by Council to further strengthen the connection between Park Lands and Hutt Street as a city destination.

Upon completion of the project, Hutt Street will have an upgraded southern entrance gateway with pedestrian and cycling connectivity improvements to welcome visitors to the Hutt Street precinct through the following works:

  • The entrance into Hutt Street will be lined with newly planted trees, new footpath and shared-use paths with new lighting along the edge of the city’s Park Lands;
  • Safety and access improvements to the existing on-road cycling infrastructure and parking;
  • Commissioning of a series of public artwork to bring unique sensory experiences to the public realm, drawing visitors to leisurely stop, linger and explore Hutt Street and the Park Lands;
  • Renewing the asphalt road surface along Hutt Road; and
  • Upgrading the existing Park Lands Trail Crossing to a Bicycle and Pedestrian Actuated (push button) Crossing with a raised platform.

The proposed raised crossing actuated by cyclists and pedestrian is a collaborative effort from City of Adelaide and the Department for Infrastructure and Transport to provide safer outcomes for all road users whilst maintaining Hutt Road’s function as a major bus route. This will be the first signalised Park Lands Trail crossing, which supports the Hutt Street Master Plan, the 2012-22 Smart Move Transport and Movement Strategy and the Adelaide Park Lands Management Strategy 2015 - 2025.

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