
Following consideration of the road closure proposal and public consultation responses, the road closure proposal was approved.

Consultation Information

We asked for feedback on the application to grant a temporary closure for a portion of War Memorial Drive for the purpose of the 2025 Beach Volleyball World Championships Adelaide taking place on Friday 14 November to Sunday 23 November 2025.

The City of Adelaide received an application from Volleyball Australia (event organisers) to hold the Beach Volleyball World Championships Adelaide 2025 in a section of War Memorial Drive from Friday 14 November to Sunday 23 November 2025.

To facilitate this activity, it was proposed that War Memorial Drive (Between the Adelaide Oval loading dock and the entrance to Next Generation Gym) would be closed to vehicles from 6am Thursday 13 November 2025 until 5pm Monday 24 November 2025.

To facilitate the road closure, all on-street parking spaces on the closed section of the roads will be changed to ‘No stopping – Tow-Away’ for the duration of the road closure. Pedestrian access will be maintained along the river pedestrian pathway and the site will be fenced.

Under the Local Government Act 1999, the City of Adelaide is required to consult the public before it can grant a permit for an event that requests to use a public road for business purposes, and the said purpose will require whole or partial road closure(s) that may impede the passage of traffic to a material degree.

What is the 2025 Beach Volleyball World Championships Adelaide?

Adelaide will exclusively host the FIVB Beach Volleyball World Championships with the worlds-best 192 women and men from around the globe playing in the heart of the city alongside the northern riverbank. Thousands of fans will enjoy matches, activations and a ‘beach festival’ featuring 4 competition and 3 warm-up courts across Pinky Flat, The Drive and the Torrens Parade ground. The event will be broadcast globally, as well as domestically.

What are the reasons for the road closure?

Volleyball Australia (event organisers) requested to close part of War Memorial Drive from Thursday 13 November 2025 to 24 November 2024 to assist in the facilitation of the 2025 World Beach Volleyball Championships Adelaide. An alternate pedestrian and cyclist pathway will be maintained around the event site. The road closure is needed for safe ingress and egress for the event, the safety for patrons and staff and the community. It is important the event provides a welcoming, inclusive, healthy, and safe environment for all event patrons and staff, and a road closure will be needed to achieve this.

How will stakeholders be notified of this event?

All residents and businesses residing in the surrounding area will be notified of the upcoming event via a letterbox drop organised by the event organiser two weeks prior to the event. Included in the letter will be details of expected noise, road closure details and an event hotline telephone number.

This event hotline telephone number is provided by the event organiser should a member of the public wish to lodge any feedback or concerns during the event.

Additionally, City of Adelaide upload details of upcoming, approved events on its Event Dashboard.

Who can I contact during the event if I have any concerns regarding the event?

Events are required to provide an event hotline telephone number, should a member of the public wish to lodge any feedback or concerns during the event.

Any member of the public can use the event hotline number to provide their feedback to the event organiser. It is the responsibility of the event organiser to consider all feedback provided and take any necessary actions to remedy the issue. The event hotline phone number will be operated for the duration of the event.

Alternatively, members of the public can contact the City of Adelaide on 8203 7203 to lodge any feedback or concerns.

Would fixed businesses remain accessible during the 2025 Beach Volleyball World Championships Adelaide?

Yes, while the road will be closed to vehicular traffic, pedestrians will still be able to access the businesses on a portion of War Memorial Drive via alternative pathways and the event organisers will ensure walking access to existing premises is maintained.

Will commercial vehicles be able to service businesses within the road closures?

During the road closure no vehicles (authorised vehicles exempt) will be able to access the closed portion of road.

Where can I find out more information about the 2025 Beach Volleyball World Championships Adelaide?

Event organisers are invited to list details under the ‘What’s On’ section of the City of Adelaide website and/or the events dashboard.

Closed portion of the road

Traffic management plan