Thank you for your feedback and for helping shape Pitt Street. Your feedback helped shape the design of the Pitt Street Streetscape Upgrade. Consultation for this project has concluded and the City of Adelaide is now delivering the next phase of the project. 

Details on this next stage of the project are available below. 

Project Information

The City of Adelaide is upgrading Pitt Street. This upgrade aims to provide a key city pedestrian connection, promote economic vitality, enhance the street’s unique character and provide opportunities for street activation such as outdoor dining. 

The upgrade will include features such as: 

  • Two-way access 
  • Wide footpaths 
  • Outdoor dining 
  • Tree planting 
  • Flush curbs 
  • Feature pavement 
  • Removable bollards
  • Narrowed lanes for traffic calming

Construction is anticipated to commence late 2023 and will take 6-10 months to complete. Council is committed to best managing disruption to businesses and residents during the works.

To maintain access to the street and undertake works, the street will often be single laned during construction. Full closures will be required at times, these will be communicated with stakeholders prior. Pedestrian access will be maintained at all times.

Getting in Touch?

We will provide regular updates to this page, or you can register for project updates by calling or emailing us at the details provided.


This project forms the final part of the Market to Riverbank link project, which is a $14.6 million joint investment project between the City of Adelaide and the State Government (through Renewal SA) to upgrade Bank Street, Leigh Street, Topham Mall, Bentham Street and Pitt Street. The project is to create a pathway between the Adelaide Central Market and the Adelaide Riverbank.

In 2022 and 2023 The City of Adelaide consulted with businesses and organisations on Pitt Street to get their early feedback on an initial draft concept design for the Upgrade. This initial draft concept design proposed making the street one way and concerns were raised by some businesses and organisations about this. As such the design has been upgraded to maintain the street as two-way.

Previous Engagement 

In 2022 the City of Adelaide consulted with the community to get their feedback on an initial draft concept design for the Upgrade of Pitt Street. This initial draft concept design proposed all the benefits of the current design but also a plan to make the street one way. Face to face meetings and door knocking was undertaken to discuss this plan and inform stakeholders. Concerns were raised about the impact making the street one way would have on the community and as such the design has been upgraded to maintain the street as two-way.

For more information on this project please visit the project page