Each year the City of Adelaide develops a Business Plan and Budget to help shape the City of Adelaide. Our Draft 2023/24 Business Plan and Budget is our key operational and financial planning document and sets our priorities, programs, services and projects for the future year.

Post-COVID-19 budget repair and upgrades to City infrastructure are the focus of $268 million in expenditure to support future sustainability and City pride.


On 27 June Council adopted its Business Plan & Budget (BP&B) 2023/24 with some amendments that followed an extensive consultation process with the community. After taking community feedback into consideration, the changes now include:

  • Upgrades to Light Square Electrical Infrastructure at an estimated cost of $400,000
  • Amending Park Lands event fees from 1 October to reflect a reduction to 2020 fee levels
  • A commitment to continuing to work with ACSARA on its proposed facility within Golden Wattle Park / Mirnu Wirra (Park 21W) and developing policy options for Park Lands buildings for the provision of fit for purpose facilities including toilets, changerooms and storage.
  • Further detail on the timing and cost of upgrades for Gouger Street, Hutt Street, Hindley Street, O’Connell Street and Melbourne Street.

We heard from the community that things like the Park Lands, parking, community sports infrastructure, safety, transport, outdoor dining, city vibrancy and tackling climate change were important. Approximately 63% of our general surveys received supported some or all of the priorities identified for 2023/24. A summary of our consultation can be found online here.

The Lord Mayor thanks our community for the feedback and interest. "After seeking feedback from our ratepayers over last month, the Council has now formally adopted its Business Plan and Budget for 2023/24,” said the Lord Mayor. “ As Lord Mayor, I want our city to operate with ambition, audacity, and vision but this cannot happen until we sort out the basics, such as work on our footpaths, roads, and parks. Ratepayers expect it from us, and this budget will help deliver on that.”

Over the next 12 months Council will prioritise key activities that focus on: Capital City Leadership; Community; Culture and Activation; Economy; Environment; and Infrastructure.

Post-COVID-19 budget repair and upgrades to city infrastructure remain the centrepieces of the plan. The finalised budget delivers $268 million in expenditure with highlights including: 

  • More than $100 million invested in Capital Works including more than $50 million in public infrastructure renewals in 2023/24.
  • A $1.9 million operating surplus through a continued focus on responsible financial management.
  • Savings of more than $400,000 in 2023/24 in addition to $4.8 million in savings in 2022/23 made possible through closely reviewing ongoing operating activities.
  • More than $43 million invested in waste management, cleansing, horticulture and Park Lands.
  • Delivering over $8m in project construction and improvements on City streets including Currie, Field, Hutt, Melbourne, Pitt, Sturt, Ward and West Pallant Streets and James Place, Kingston Terrace, North Terrace and Whitmore Square
  • Delivering over $6m project construction and improvements to the Park Lands including Victoria Park / Pakapakanthi, Bonython Park / Tulya Wardli, Rymill Park / Murlawirrapurka and Mary Lee Park
  • Investing over $15m in community centres and programs, libraries and events and activations
  • Expanding and improving the Adelaide free Wi-Fi network
  • Increasing greenery in City Streets and Parks
  • Undertaking cultural mapping of the Park Lands alongside Reconciliation events and initiatives
  • Delivering events such as New Years Eve and ANZAC Day and activations across the East and West End, Gouger Street and North Adelaide
  • Supporting community development, public art, sporting clubs and events and activations through a range of sponsorship and grants
  • Launching a new trainee and apprenticeship program

Council will continue to welcome visitors back to our City, create a vibrant, culturally diverse community, drive economic growth for our businesses, protect and celebrate our Park Lands, improve our infrastructure for all to enjoy and show leadership through partnerships and by being financially sustainable.

You can download the 2023/24 Business Plan and Budget and read more information online at www.cityofadelaide.com.au/budget


We asked the community to provide feedback on the draft 2023/24 Business Plan and Budget

  • Did we get our priorities and projects right?
  • Do you agree with the changes to rates and charges?

The draft budget planned to deliver $268 million in expenditure with highlights including:

  • A record $100.3 million investment in Capital Works including more than $50 million in public infrastructure renewals in 2023/24.
  • More than $43 million invested on waste management, cleansing, horticulture and preserving our world-renowned Park Lands.