Have your say on the City of Adelaide’s Draft 2020-2021 Business Plan & Budget.
Update: 24 August 2020
Thank you!
During the recent consultation on our Draft Business Plan & Budget 2020 we were pleased to receive more than 100 completed surveys and submissions from our community and stakeholders. This is the most we have had for quite some time.
Your feedback has helped us finalise the Business Plan and Budget for 2020-2021 that was adopted by Council on 13 August 2020, and which can be viewed here.
Your thoughts on the performance and importance of the ten service categories, and your preferences for the levers that Council could use to improve its financial position, is information that we will continue to refer to as we make the necessary operational savings throughout this year. To further assist and build our understanding, we intend to include questions about Council’s services in upcoming research. This includes a survey for businesses based in the city, and a Resident Survey to be launched late in September 2020.
A word from our Lord Mayor...
What is the Business Plan & Budget and why is it important?
The Business Plan & Budget is the key annual operational and financial planning document of the City of Adelaide. It sets out the key activities, projects and services we plan to provide in the upcoming financial year, our sources of revenue, and how we propose to allocate our budget.
The 2020-2021 Business Plan & Budget (the Plan) is the first annual business plan and budget to deliver on the 2020-2024 Strategic Plan and the vision - Adelaide the most liveable city in the world.
The Plan has been developed in the context of delivering our long-term strategic direction set out in the City of Adelaide 2020-2024 Strategic Plan and in the context of the challenges, financial constraints, and opportunities arising from COVID-19.
The restrictions on social gatherings, the temporary closure of venues and cultural institutions, border closures and many businesses closing, reducing hours, or supporting their people to work remotely, has dramatically changed the landscape of the city.
The absence of people in our City for many weeks directly affected City of Adelaide revenue. The pressure on our income and cash-flow was immediate and the effect has extended into this financial year, including an expected reduction in our fees and charges income of approximately $21 million.
We know that in 2020-2021, given these ongoing economic impacts and challenges presented by COVID-19, that we need to reduce our operating expenditure by $20 million.
We are seeking your views on how we might best do that by understanding the value you place on the services we deliver.
'Virtual' Meeting
Please note the below information has been updated on the 15 July 2020
To provide you with an opportunity to talk to the project team about your feedback on the Draft Business Plan and Budget, a 'Virtual' Meeting via Zoom is being held from 5pm to 5:30pm on 21 July 2020. Please register your intent to attend / participate in this meeting via StrategicPlan@cityofadelaide.com.au and we will send you the link to the meeting.
All submissions must be received by Council by midnight, Thursday 23 July 2020.