Project Information

We invited the community to share their views on the draft Light Square/Wauwi Master Plan (the draft Master Plan) to help shape the future of Light Square/Wauwi (the Square). A key benefit of preparing a master plan is the development of a framework to guide improvements for the community.

The draft Master Plan has been developed to guide the Square’s future as an increasingly important community green space in the West End of the city.

It has been shaped by what we heard in phase 1 consultation from February to May 2024 and the City of Adelaide Strategic Plan, City Plan (draft) and other City of Adelaide strategic documents.

The draft Master Plan presents a bold vision and two options to transform the Square and create a distinct character. It establishes principles for change and sets out strategies to deliver on three themes:

Click the themes to explore them further:

Both of the options in the draft Master Plan will reduce road pavement space and increase usable open space, greening and space for biodiversity. This is greater for Option 1 which proposes to relocate north south through traffic to the eastern side of the Square and return the western edge to Park Lands Purposes.

The draft Master Plan is only the first step in the process. What we hear from the current phase of consultation will help us identify the preferred option for the Square to finalise the Master Plan. It will guide next steps including a cost plan of the preferred option and seeking investment and partnerships. Part of the design stage and the construction stage are unfunded and subject to future annual business plan and budget processes. If funding is secured delivery may be staged over a number of years.

We hope to hear from a wide range of our communities to ensure the final master plan is informed by a broad cross section of people.

View the Light Square / Wauwi Draft Master Plan

Explore the Master Plan options in 3D


The creation of a draft Master Plan is a key project in the Adelaide Park Lands Management Strategy 2015-2025 and the draft Adelaide Park Lands Management Strategy – Towards 2036.

The draft master plan responds to the changing nature of the West End of the city. This includes more residential development, increased university, health and medical uses and to improve linkages to Hindley Street, the River Torrens/Karrawirra Pari, Helen Mayo Park and Market Square.

Light Square/Wauwi is an increasingly important green space in the north-west of the city as population and density increase. The City of Adelaide aims to double the resident population to 50,000 by 2036. The Light Square area could house 8% of this growth.


We are currently at the second phase of consultation. This closes on Monday 7 October 2024.

What is the Adelaide Park Lands Management Strategy?

The draft Adelaide Park Lands Management Strategy (APLMS) provides a framework for the advisory role of Kadaltilla/Adelaide Park Lands Authority on Park Lands policy and projects. Kadaltilla is committed to the protection and enhancement of the Park Lands as a globally recognised park system which surrounds and permeates the city, for the benefit of all South Australians.

What is a master plan?

Master plans are used to create an agreed vision for a place, along with a framework to achieve that vision over time.

The Light Square/Wauwi master plan highlights what we want to strengthen about the Square and what improvements we want to implement going forward. It is in the first step of a process which is followed by the design and delivery/construction stage.

When will the master plan be finished?

What will happen once the Master Plan is finalised?

The Light square/Wauwi Master Plan provides the first step in a planning, design and delivery process. The Master Plan allows for the testing of ideas and its implementation is currently unfunded and subject to future annual business plan and budget processes.

In the next stage of the project cost estimates will be prepared to inform an investment strategy that identifies partnerships and funding opportunities. If funding is secured to deliver the Master Plan it may be staged over a number of years depending on available funding, annual budget and service delivery priorities.

I like the Square the way it is, why do we need to change it?

The master plan development process has been equally about recognising what is already successful, as much as making improvements. The draft Master Plan provides a future plan for how the Square will develop over time, it is a process that won’t happen overnight but over a number of years.

Does the master plan look at road and pedestrian safety?

Yes, in Phase 1 consultation we heard that this was an important element and is a key part of the master plan options, included in the Safer theme, and in the principles and strategies.

Will the master plan have impacts on traffic?

The next stage of the project is detail design which will include a traffic assessment and road safety audit for the preferred option from the Master Plan. The assessment will look at the feasibility of proposed changes, such as introducing the ability to continue to travel east along Waymouth Street through the Morphett Street intersection when travelling from the west.

There are a lot of new buildings in development near the Square, what role does the master plan have with this?

The draft Master Plan considers how residential growth will influence community expectations for the Square and the increasing need for quality open space.

How can I be involved

We invite and encourage responses from the community to help inform the final master plan to guide the future of Light Square/Wauwi.

What will you do with my feedback?

Feedback will be reviewed and used to help identify the preferred option for the Square, finalise the Master Plan and guide priorities for investment and partnerships.

Who was Wauwi?

Wauwi was the wife of Kadlitpina, a prominent Kaurna Elder, called ‘Captain Jack’ by the colonists. Wauwi is also the Kaurna word for female grey kangaroo.

In 2012 the City of Adelaide renamed Light Square to Light Square / Wauwi to honour this Kaurna woman and to recognise its importance as the main community meeting place for Aboriginal peoples from 1900-1960s.

How do I say Wauwi?

Press the link below to hear:

Click here

More information on significant Kaurna women can be found within the Suffrage 125 City of Adelaide Honour Roll which also showcases some of Adelaide’s founding females and trailblazers, Lord Mayors, Councillors and Council employees and cultural icons.

What are other Kaurna placenames?

Kaurna placenames including pronunciation guides for the Adelaide Park Lands and Squares can be explored here.

Where can I find more information on Kaurna Warra (language)?

The Kaurna Warra website provides a wide range of resources to learn more about language

Light Square/Wauwi:

  • Is named after Wauwi who was the wife of Kadlitpina (Kaurna Elder), and Colonel William Light who was the first Surveyor-General of Adelaide responsible for its planning and layout.
  • Was a community meeting place for First Nations peoples to socialise, share stories and in later years organise rallies and protests.
  • Is one of the 6 squares of the Adelaide Park Lands.
  • Has a mix of tree species and understorey relating to different time periods.
  • Provides green open space including 191 trees.
  • Is used as a venue for temporary events and for recreation and fitness.
  • Has features of historical and cultural significance including the State Heritage listed grave and monument to Colonel William Light.
  • Is the location of multiple public art works including Pride Walk, The Eternal Question by Richard Tipping, Knot by Bert Flugelman, and Catherine Helen Spence by Ieva Pocuis.
  • Has seen an increase in residents in the area and growth is forecast to continue.
  • Is surrounded by a range of uses including education, entertainment, accommodation and the arts.
  • Has some 55,000 vehicles travelling through and around it each day.

Project Timeline

  • Timeline item 1 - complete

    Community Engagement

    February - May 2024

    Working with the community to understand their vision for Light Square/Wauwi.

  • Timeline item 2 - complete

    Draft Master Plan

    Reviewing the feedback from the community and creating the draft master Plan

  • Timeline item 3 - complete

    Community Feedback on Draft Master Plan

    September - October 2024

    Your chance to review the draft concept design for Light Square/Wauwi.

  • Timeline item 4 - complete

    Community Information Session

    24 September 2024

    A community information session will be held on:

    On: Tuesday 24 September 2024

    At: Wauwi Inparrila, 11 Mellor Street, Adelaide

    From: 6pm-7pm

    RSVP here.

  • Timeline item 5 - complete

    Consultation closed

    5:00pm, Monday 14 October 2024

  • Timeline item 6 - incomplete

    Finalise Light Square/Wauwi Master Plan

    The project team will review feedback from the community and develop the Light Square/Wauwi Master Plan.

What we heard from our community.

In Phase 1, we gathered your input on what matters most to you and what should be included in the Master Plan.

Our community emphasised the importance of creating a Greener, Safer, and more Inclusive Light Square/Wauwi.

What happens next?

A summary of the feedback we receive during each phase of consultation will be available on the Our Adelaide website. A summary of what we heard in phase 1, that helped inform the draft Master Plan, can be seen here.