Project Information

The Light Square / Wauwi Master Plan will guide the Square's future as an important community green space in the west end of the city. A key benefit of preparing a master plan is the development of a vision to guide improvements for the community.

We asked a wide range of our communities for feedback to help shape the future of Light Square/Wauwi (the Square) and to ensure the master plan is informed by a broad cross section of people.

Project Update

Following extensive community and stakeholder consultation in exploring issues and opportunities a draft Master Plan will be presented to Kadaltilla in June 2024 and Council in July 2024 for endorsement for consultation.

Key themes of bigger, safer, greener are explored to increase the Square’s open space, improve accessibility and inclusion, increase biodiversity and plan succession planting of legacy trees. High priority recommendations of the Master Plan will be progressed to detail design subject to Council approval of the Annual Business Plan and Budget 2024/25. We look forward to sharing strategic options and exploring design outcomes with the community.

What happens next?

In phase 2 the community will be invited to give feedback on the draft master plan. This is planned to commence in July 2024.

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The Survey has now concluded