Project Update

Following the Council meeting 26 November 2024, we are preparing information to support upcoming engagement with the community in early 2025 to seek feedback on the options for the revitalisation of Hutt Street and learn more about the community’s vision for this unique part of the city.

Feedback gathered through this consultation will be a key consideration as we finalise the concept planning for Hutt Street and progress to detailed design.

In the meantime, we are also continuing to gather technical information to progress the project design. This includes undertaking site surveys, learning more about ground conditions through geotechnical testing, and assessing other important infrastructure including stormwater, lighting and road pavement. These activities will provide valuable information to be used as part of the design process and later inform construction activities.

Please note, the investigation works will require some onsite machinery to be present for short periods early into the new year. Where required, some temporary traffic restrictions may be in place to ensure public and worker safety.

Project Information

Hutt Street Revitalisation forms part of the City of Adelaide’s Main Streets Revitalisation Program. As the hub of the south-east precinct, Hutt Street provides a village-like cluster of cafes and restaurants, alongside day-to-day essentials and community services.

The revitalisation project aims to preserve and celebrate Hutt Street’s leafy green streetscape and historic village charm whilst providing a well-planned street that supports local businesses, provides increased opportunities for enhanced social interactions and is welcoming and accessible to community and visitors alike.

The project is proposed to be undertaken between South Terrace and Carrington Street, and build on the recently completed Hutt Street Entry Statement project. This project has created a welcoming southern entrance to Hutt Street and improved connection with the Park Lands.


City of Adelaide has identified Hutt Street as one of four priority main streets and is developing comprehensive plans for place revitalisation.

A process of targeted data gathering and stakeholder engagement has been underway since February 2021, with the feedback gathered informing the development of Concept Designs for each of the priority main streets as part of a Master Planned approach.

In August 2024, Council considered a high-level concept for the revitalisation of Hutt Street that was developed based on design principles informed by consultation undertaken during master planning activities in March/April 2022. In response to this concept, Council requested further information as to how the proposed Concept Plan for the revitalisation of Hutt Street could prioritise the retention of parking in the precinct.

This further information was presented as concept options, which Council have determined will form the basis of the consultation with community in early 2025. Information gathered during the consultation from community will be considered and integrated where possible as part of the finalisation of the concept design.

Project History

A temporary footpath extension was installed near the intersection of Halifax and Hutt Street, in front of The Flower Hutt, Atelier Antifragile, and The Sugar Man from November 2022 until January 2024.

Feedback on the footpath extension was reviewed on an ongoing basis during the trial, with a comprehensive evaluation to determine the next steps.

We thank the community for their valued feedback which is now being considered as part of the ongoing design process for the revitalisation of Hutt Street.

Between 7 March 2022 and 4 April 2022 we asked the community to provide their thoughts about the Hutt Street Main Street Revitaisation through both a feedback form below and by placing pins on a map with location-based ideas. We also held two community drop-in sessions.

In 2022 City of Adelaide identified Hutt Street as one of four priority main streets to have comprehensive plans for place revitalisation developed.

Place Coordinators were appointed as single point of contacts for each of these main streets and a process of targeted data gathering and stakeholder engagement began in February 2021. The outcomes of the data gathering and engagement to date has informed the development of Action Plans for each of the priority main streets, with initiatives implemented to add vibrancy.

On 14 December 2021 the Main Street Master Plan Update report was presented to Council providing detailed updates for each priority main street. At this meeting, Council approved the draft long-term vision and objectives for key stakeholder and community engagement as part of the Hutt Street Master Plan draft.

The Hutt Street Master Plan draft provides a blueprint to visualise the street’s future potential and enable the City of Adelaide to plan and implement staged improvements.

For queries about the Hutt Street Revitalisation design and implementation

Name Belinda Cowley, Project Manager - Infrastructure Delivery
Email [email protected]

For feedback or suggestions about short-term initiatives to add vibrancy

Name Tanya Press, Place Partner
Email [email protected]