Project Update

We are currently in the process of reviewing various concept options considering previous community feedback and the reallocation of public space between all users while still achieving the intended outcome of revitalising Hutt Street. Once we have a confirmed position, the latest project info and the next steps will be shared here.

Project Information

The City of Adelaide, with significant support from the South Australian Government is kickstarting the first stage of the Hutt Street master plan through the $3 million Hutt Street Entry Statement project. The project will deliver a series of medium-terms actions, which align with the vision of the street and will contribute to an improved public realm to revitalise the precinct as an interim solution to the master plan.

The project will see the delivery of more green spaces to help welcome visitors from the Park Lands into Hutt Street. The entrance into the southern Hutt Street precinct will be lined with newly planted trees, new paths along the edge of the city’s Park Lands and includes public art leading to the heart of Hutt Street.

In addition to the creation of a welcoming southern entrance to Hutt Street, temporary footpath extension was also implemented with the aim to increase street activity and vibrancy, enhance community safety; support local businesses; and to test future permanent changes to street configuration. The feedback collected will contribute to the street design of the subsequent stages of Hutt Street master plan.


City of Adelaide has identified Hutt Street as one of four priority main streets and is developing comprehensive plans for place revitalisation.

A process of targeted data gathering and stakeholder engagement has been underway since February 2021, with the feedback gathered informing the development of Concept Designs for each of the priority main streets as part of a Master Planned approach.

Updates on the Main Street Revitalisation Program have been provided to Council during this time.

Council will continue to engage with stakeholders and the community at key milestones in the Hutt Street revitalisation journey. We encourage you to return to this page for updates and further engagement opportunities.

The Hutt Street Master Plan draft provides a blueprint to visualise the street’s future potential and enable the City of Adelaide to plan and implement staged improvements.

Project History