Update: January 2022

We are pleased to announce that the new accessible swing for the Playspace has arrived and installation is underway!

The Playspace will remain open while the swing is installed and the last stage of construction is finalised. Other works being completed in this stage of construction are:

  • Line marking on the upgraded pump track
  • Planting and mulching
  • Last shade sail install
  • Extended rubber works

We expect construction to finish towards the end of February. Stay tuned for more updates shortly!

Update: November 2021

The Quentin Kenihan Inclusive Playspace is open again for play!

We have recently completed some additional works to improve your experience including:

  • Painting the waterplay area to make it nice and bright
  • Rebuilding Quentin's challenge track so it's longer and more exciting
  • Relocating the rope play to allow for a new wheelchair accessible swing (coming in early 2022 - see below)
  • Installing more rubber softfall to improve access
  • Installing 4 x accessible car parks on Rundle Road
  • Installing a new path and bus drop off zone on Dequetteville Terrace

New shade sails will be installed in early December and we have more improvements planned for early 2022! Watch this space!

Update: April 2021

The Quentin Kenihan Inclusive Playspace has been designed to meet best practice principles in inclusive playspace design, including the ‘Touched by Olivia Inclusive Playspace Guidelines’ (referenced in Council’s Disability Action and Inclusion Plan 2019-2022). Quentin’s vision was for a playspace that all children can play together side-by-side regardless of their abilities. The new playspace also allows children with disability the same opportunity to take risks the same way as any other child at play does, and acknowledges the wide range of needs and abilities of people intending to visit the space.

To help guide the design of the playspace, a project Advisory Group was established in 2019. Membership of the advisory group included representatives of Quentin’s family and friends, a member from the Touched By Olivia Foundation, and 2 representatives of Council’s Access & Inclusion Advisory Panel. The role of the project advisory group was to provide advice and review the design at key milestones. We also completed extensive community consultation, including a community play day event to seek the community’s input.

We have delivered a playspace that balances the needs of all users and maximises the play value within the available project budget. The playspace recognises that ‘Not everyone can play on everything, but there is something for everyone’ from the Touched by Olivia Foundation playspace design principles. It is important to note there is a difference between an inclusive playspace (caters for people of all ages and abilities) versus a wheelchair friendly playspace.

Features of the new Quentin Kenihan Inclusive Playspace include:

  • A wheelchair accessible trampoline
  • A sound and sensory garden
  • Waterplay area
  • Swings and a wheelchair accessible carousel
  • Rope climbing structure
  • A wheelchair accessible ‘sway fun’
  • Paths, barbecue area, shelter and seats
  • Accessible toilets (including an accredited Changing Places facility)
  • A mosaic artwork and bronze plaque commemorating Quentin

A statement sculpture has been commissioned to celebrate Quentin’s legacy; this is to be installed on site in the coming weeks.

Our contractor has some completion works to add finishing touches - including adjustments to paths, accessible car parks on Rundle Road, plus additional signage. We are working closely with a key group of stakeholders to monitor the performance of the playspace and listening to the feedback.

The playspace was designed and built in line with the agreed design and conforms to the relevant Australian Standards and guidelines. We will continue to work to improve the facility, with the ultimate goal to give users the best possible experience and true to Quentin’s vision.

Artwork Opportunity – Expressions of Interest

The City of Adelaide is inviting Expressions of Interest (EOI) from established artists / collaborative artist teams to create a unique integrated ‘entry’ artwork at the Quentin Kenihan Inclusive Playspace that will act as a focal point to invite visitors to come inside and play.

It is envisioned that the artwork will bring a dynamic new sensory experience, designed to inspire and engage visitors. The QKIP Gateway public art opportunity will provide a focal point and threshold experience at the main entrance to the playspace, creating a unique arrival experience and an invitation to come inside and play.

For more information and to apply, visit the City of Adelaide website here.

Expressions of Interest close: 5 pm, 31 August 2020

Engagement Update: August 2020

The design is complete for the Quentin Kenihan Inclusive Playspace in Rymill Park / Murlawirrapurka. The playspace will be a safe environment for children of all abilities to enjoy. Construction will start in August 2020 and is expected to finish by December 2020.

The play equipment includes a wheelchair trampoline, sound and sensory garden, water play, swings and a carousel.

Other features include:

  • accessible toilets and a changing place
  • accessible paths
  • barbecues, shelter and seats
  • fully fenced playspace

The playspace was developed by WAX design, with ideas and feedback from the community, members of the City of Adelaide’s Access and Inclusion Panel and friends and family of Quentin Kenihan.

For more details see below:

Concept Design ReportEasy English Concept DesignOne Page Design Summary

Engagement Update: November 2019

We asked you for your thoughts on creating a great play space in Rymill Park for everyone to enjoy.

A big thank you goes to the 300 people who came to see us at the event in Bonython Park in October and the 368 people who logged on to this page.

You can read everything we heard here, and a summary of the consultation feedback here.

Your feedback will be used to guide the design of the Quentin Kenihan Inclusive Playspace.

How can I find out more about the Quentin Kenihan Playspace?

For more information about the Quentin Kenihan Playspace, or to find out what people are asking us, or if you would like to talk to one of the project team:

Read the Consultation Pack

Frequently Asked QuestionsPlease Contact
