Thank you for your valuable feedback!

Update - December 2020

During the recent consultation for the draft Resource Recovery (Organics, Recycling and Waste) Strategy and Action Plan 2020-2028 (Strategy and Action Plan) we were delighted to receive an impressive 82 submissions from our community and stakeholders.

Your contribution has helped us to better understand your concerns and priority areas with regards to recycling and waste management in our city. The overall feedback indicated strong support for the directions proposed in the draft Strategy and Action Plan with over 80% of respondents ‘strongly agreeing’ or ‘agreeing’ with every goal, Priority Area and Target Area. Many of those who ‘disagreed’ believed that the ambition was too low or expressed opposition to the CoA ‘policing rubbish’.

The following main themes were mentioned by respondents across all questions:

  • The desire for more waste and recycling education.
  • Awareness of and the desire to recover more resources, like organics from landfill from all businesses and residences in the city.
  • The suitability of the current City of Adelaide waste services (size of bins, amenity/access, collection of materials, and the effectiveness and practicality of bulk bin systems in multi-unit dwellings) was raised.
  • The desire to have support and convenient options to divert more materials from landfill which cannot be placed in the yellow or green bins (like soft plastics) was communicated.
  • Improved recycling and organics collection options in public places was considered important to support behaviour change and reputation.
  • The frequency of collection of different bin types was raised.
  • Enforcement was raised as a tool to improve recycling outcomes and the correct use of bin.

The full report can be viewed by clicking here.

This information was used to amend and finalise the Strategy and Action Plan which was adopted by Council on 10 November 2020.

We will now work to implement the Strategy and Action Plan which can be accessed through our website by clicking here.

Once again, we thank you for your invaluable contribution in helping our wonderful city to not only to manage our waste well but also recover more valuable resources!
