The City of Adelaide is developing a new Integrated Transport Strategy to make it easier and safer to get around the city. This plan will bring together different ways of getting around, including public transport, cycling, walking, and driving, with the needs of the community in mind.
We’re in the early stages and asked for feedback to confirm and expand on the issues and opportunities we’ve already identified.
Feedback received in stage 1 will guide our priorities for the Integrated Transport Strategy and help ensure the final plan reflects your needs and expectations.
The project has two main stages:
- Stage 1: Gathering insights and feedback from the community that will help shape the draft Integrated Transport Strategy.
- Stage 2: Asking for feedback on the draft Integrated Transport Strategy, to check we've got it right!
In Stage 1 we invited the community to share their thoughts to:
- Confirm and build on the themes and opportunities identified from previous engagement and research
- Collaboratively create a shared vision and clear objectives
- Test innovative examples of best practices and gather new ideas
Check out our Discussion Papers to learn more. Together, we can create a transport strategy that makes Adelaide an even better place to live, work, and visit!
A new Integrated Transport Strategy is needed and will replace Smart Move Transport and Movement Strategy 2012-2022. The new Integrated Transport Strategy will have alignment with other strategies, including the recently endorsed City Plan and the Integrated Climate Strategy.
The Integrated Transport Strategy will provide a clear policy position for transport networks and streets within the City, outlining strategic directions and policies to facilitate effective decision-making and ongoing action and evaluation.
Discussion Papers and Summaries
Why do we need a new Integrated Transport Strategy (ITS)?
The Smart Move Transport and Movement Strategy was developed over a decade ago. While many of the Smart Move strategies (outcomes such as ‘easy walking’) remain relevant, a new Integrated Transport Strategy is needed to incorporate new frameworks and directions in transport planning. A new Strategy is required to reflect City Plan and other recent Council Strategies, including the Integrated Climate Strategy.
The new strategy needs to have a stronger focus on accessibility, including gender and child-friendly city considerations. It needs to provide greater clarity about transport networks and the associated infrastructure requirements on the different routes that will meet people’s needs. To achieve the required mode shift and make it easier for people to choose active and sustainable transport modes we need to know where and how to deliver better streets and transport systems. The ITS will provide an implementation plan so the objectives and targets set by Council, such as for street greening and transport decarbonisation, can be planned and achieved.
What is the role of the Integrated Transport Strategy (ITS) in relation to City Plan?
The City Plan is the City of Adelaide’s spatial plan for sustainable growth and development of our city. It supports the Council’s target to almost double the resident population of 50,000 by 2036 and growth in people employed in the city from 130,000 in 2021 to over 150,000 employees by 2036. Both City Plan and the ITS align with high level objectives such as climate action, sustainable development and urban growth management with liveability.
The ITS will include principle-based network maps for the different transport modes and places, which will reflect the development set out in City Plan. This will help the City of Adelaide undertake integrated transport planning, urban planning and urban design.
I have provided relevant information before, how is this different?
You may have provided feedback in the past through the City Residents Surveys, the City User Profile or more recently on City of Adelaide Strategies and Plans, such as the recent Disability Access and Inclusion Plan and City Plan. We have used feedback from previous engagements to develop the ITS Discussion Papers.
This engagement is being held to give the community an opportunity to comment on the proposed framework and Discussion Papers, to confirm that we have the issues, opportunities and ideas summarised from previous engagement right. In this first stage of engagement for the Strategy development, we would like to build on the themes identified from previous engagement and research, help build a shared vision and objectives, and test best practice examples and key strategic moves – and seek further ideas you have.
What projects will my feedback inform?
We understand that many people want immediate action to improve transport networks and streets improvements. It is important that Council agree a vision and framework to inform project development and assessment. This first stage of the ITS project will inform the draft strategy, with a shared vision and framework to inform identification of project needs across the transport network. The assessment framework can then be applied to prioritise projects and recommend an implementation plan.
What is the role of the Integrated Transport Strategy compared with the State’s Transport Strategy?
The State Government is also preparing a transport strategy, which will cover all State Government transport related issues, such as public transport, arterial roads, active transport and others. The City of Adelaide is responsible for all the streets within the metropolitan Adelaide inner ring road, which is a State owned (arterial) road. The ITS will focus on issues that CoA has care and control over and outline those it might influence or advocate for, such as improved public transport.
While the City of Adelaide ITS will largely focus on our street and path networks, as a capital city it is vital that we work with the State Government, via the Department for Infrastructure and Transport (DIT), to determine how we efficiently, safely and sustainably help people move between the city and suburbs of Adelaide. Liveability within CoA is important, and DIT and COA will collaborate on improving active travel and public transport to/from and within the City of Adelaide. The State Government and Council will be meeting to discuss community feedback and emerging themes across our respective engagement work.
Timeline item 1 - complete
Community Engagement - Stage 1
Opens: 4 November 2024
Closes: 2 December 2024
Timeline item 2 - active
Draft Integrated Transport Strategy Development
December 2024 – March 2025
Timeline item 3 - incomplete
Community Engagement – Stage 2 (on draft Strategy)
early 2025
Timeline item 4 - incomplete
Integrated Transport Strategy finalised then endorsed by Council
mid 2025