Project Information

Our city is growing. As a capital city council, we need to plan for the future and ensure our community centres, facilities, and playspaces meet the needs of our community.

We asked for feedback to shape our draft Social Infrastructure (Assets) Policy and the development of our Community Facilities Investment Plan. We are planning for the future community facilities we provide.

Our current community facilities include

The City of Adelaide has a population growth target of 50,000 people by 2036. As the capital city, we provide community facilities to people from metropolitan Adelaide too. All areas of Adelaide are planning for growth which will increase the demand for city-based community facilities.

Investing in the planning, development and management of community facilities (also referred to as social infrastructure assets), in the right place at the right time, will ensure that our community has the facilities they need now and for future generations.

Community facilities are essential, and with your help, we can ensure they meet our community’s needs.

Your feedback will help us to:

  • Stage One (February/March 2025) - Finalise the Policy that informs the way we plan, deliver and support community facilities across the City of Adelaide.
  • Stage Two (late 2025) - Input gathered in Stage One will also contribute to the creation of an Investment Plan which will prioritise where, when and how we fund and deliver timely new or upgraded community facilities as our population grows and changes.

This draft Social Infrastructure (Assets) Policy was endorsed by Council for public consultation at their 12 November 2024 meeting. The Policy was developed using research and community feedback from various related projects including a Social Infrastructure Assessment, City Plan – Adelaide 2036 and City User Profile.

Our Buildings Asset Management Plan covers a range of important community facilities including:

  • Libraries
  • Community centres
  • Public toilets
  • Sporting clubs

The Building Asset Management Plan outlines the Council’s high-level asset management priorities for the operation, maintenance and renewal of our assets over the next 10 years.

The draft Social Infrastructure (Assets) Policy guides investment decisions in new, upgraded or consolidated community facilities to meet current and future needs. Council has progressed investment for the Adelaide Park Lands through the development of an Adelaide Park Lands Community Buildings (Sport and Recreation) Policy.

The draft Social Infrastructure (Assets) Policy will assist Council to make decisions about and prioritise investment in community facilities.

The term social infrastructure is used to describe a range of community places, spaces and facilities.

For the purposes of our draft Social Infrastructure (Assets) Policy and proposed Community Facilities Investment Plan, we are primarily focusing on community facilities owned and operated by the City of Adelaide.

There are also a range of other social infrastructure assets that sit outside the responsibility of local government. In the City of Adelaide, these include but are not limited to:

  • State Library of South Australia
  • Universities
  • Primary schools and secondary schools
  • Early childhood education and care

  • A recent survey of community centres participants showed 64% are women, 32% men, 3% non-binary and 1% prefer not to say. Users were primarily aged 50+.
  • A recent survey of library customers showed 30% are women, 30% are men, 15% non- binary and 18% prefer not to say. Users were primarily aged 55+.

The City of Adelaide has a population growth target of 50,000 people by 2036. The above map shows the possible growth horizon across the City of Adelaide which has been divided into 13 areas. Within the City of Adelaide council area, the largest percentage of growth is expected to occur in the east and west of the city.

In addition, as a capital city, we provide several community facilities that people from the metropolitan Adelaide region access. All areas of metropolitan Adelaide are planning for growth which will increase the demand for city-based community facilities.

To find out more about our current community facilities click here.

Community Facilities Map & Document Library

Map of community facilities being discussed in the Social Infrastructure (Assets) Policy

Map of community facilities being discussed in the Social Infrastructure (Assets) Policy