We are seeking the community’s feedback on the amendment to the Community Land Management Plan for Adelaide Central Market.

Project Information

Council is required to prepare and adopt a Community Land Management Plan for community land under its ownership. This is a requirement pursuant to Section 197 of the Local Government Act 1999 (SA).

The Corporation of the City of Adelaide is the owner of the land described in Certificate of Title Volume 6257 Folio 377 Allotment 1000 in Deposited Plan 127498. The aerial photo below delineates the Adelaide Central Market Complex.

Aerial photo: delineates the Adelaide Central Market Complex.

There are two components within the Adelaide Central Market Complex:

  1. Adelaide Central Market comprises of market stalls and commercial tenancies on the ground level, the Adelaide Central Market Authority (ACMA) Offices located on level 1, and the Grote Street Building (which includes Federal Hall and Market Tower).
  2. Adelaide Central Market UPark.

At its meeting on 11 February 2025, Council authorised the administration to engage with the community on the major amendment to the Community Land Management Plan—Adelaide Central Market.

The major amendment is the proposed use of the Grote Street Building (which includes Federal Hall and Market Tower). The proposed use is events and activation space for hire, commercial and retail.

We are seeking feedback on:

  • Amended Community Land Management Plan – Adelaide Central Market.
  • Grote Street Building change of use for events and activation space for hire and commercial and retail. This will ensure consistent use throughout the Adelaide Central Market.

FAQ & What Happens Next

What happens next?

We will acknowledge your feedback either by email or in writing.

  • Feedback from the public consultation process will be collated and presented in a report to Council in April 2025 and will assist Council in its deliberations associated with the amendment of the Community Land Management Plan for this site.
  • We will inform businesses/residents in the surrounding areas of the outcome of Council’s decision.

For enquiries please contact

Name Susan Fox, Commercial Contracts and Leasing Coordinator
Phone (08) 8203 7998
Email s.fox@cityofadelaide.com.au