The Project

The city bikeways aim to deliver high-quality bike routes to encourage more people to travel by bike and create a more liveable city.

The bikeways will be designed and planned in response to the local circumstances of each streetscape along each route. The final designs may include improvements to landscaping, lighting, paving and signage where appropriate.

East-West Bikeway

Project Update: March 2021: A report on the outcomes of the public consultation on the East-West Bikeway was presented to Council on 23 March 2021. Click here to view the report.

Council voted not to proceed with the East-West Bikeway.

Project Update: December 2020: At its meeting on 15 December 2020, Council noted the proposed route of the East-West Bikeway along Franklin Street, Flinders Street, Gawler Place, Wakefield Street and Wakefield Road. Please refer to the map to the right by clicking here.

It will connect with:

  • the shared path on West Terrace
  • the North-South Bikeway on Frome Street, and
  • the Park Lands Trail and shared paths in the Park Lands via a new signalised crossing on Wakefield Road.

We are informing the community of the route alignment and seeking feedback on the East-West Bikeway Design Guide. Further details are provided in the Consultation Pack by clicking here.

We will be contacting all property owners and occupiers along the route of the East-West Bikeway as part of the consultation process to seek feedback.

North-South Bikeway

The North-South Bikeway is being developed along the Frome Street / Frome Road corridor to connect the existing Rugby/Porter Bikeway in Unley to the Braund Road Bike Boulevard in Prospect.

The bikeway is being developed in stages – further consultation activities will be advised as needed.

To find out more about this project and stay up to date, visit City of Adelaide's website.

You can also register your interest to receive project updates and hear about further opportunities to provide your thoughts, feelings and ideas by registering on the STAY INFORMED BUTTON (on the top right).
