Project Information

The City of Adelaide is drafting an Urban Greening Strategy to help guide our priorities for greening into the future. The City of Adelaide is committed to protecting and improving our natural environment. Our Urban Greening Strategy is designed to set out our goals and ensure our ongoing efforts contribute to the thriving of the natural surroundings.

Project Update

During the consultation period we gathered ideas, comments, and feedback from the community about greening in the City and shaping future planning, growth, and expansion of nature in response to a changing climate.  Feedback received will support the development of our Urban Greening Strategy.

We asked the community to share their thoughts on various aspects of urban greening, including:

  • New ideas about where and what types of green infrastructure we can consider when planning for more greening.
  • Common threads and themes which help us to understand community sentiment regarding trees, greening and nature.
  • Priorities for managing the green infrastructure across our City.

The engagement was structured into three sections:

  • Questionnaires: to understand the value that community perceives from greening
  • Ideas: gather ideas on the types of greening 
  • Maps: understand the priority location of greening from the community

What happens next?

Community feedback/submissions will be workshopped internally as the Urban Greening Strategy is drafted. A final draft will be released for community consultation in 2024.
