The 2024/25 Business Plan and Budget is the key annual operational and financial planning document for the City of Adelaide. It describes the priorities, programs, services, and projects that we plan to deliver, our sources of revenue, long term financial sustainability, and how we propose to allocate our budget.

It is the second Business Plan and Budget for this Council and the first to deliver on the Strategic Plan 2024-2028 and our new vision for the future: Our Adelaide. Bold. Aspirational. Innovative


On 25 June 2024 Council adopted its Business Plan and Budget (BP&B) 2024/25, following an extensive consultation process with the community.  

During our public consultation, over 170 individual feedback / submissions were made. We heard from the community that things like the Park Lands, community sports infrastructure, rates, transport and parking, proposed projects, the environment and greening, the economy and the budget were important. Approximately 88% of the survey responses received supported some or all of the Strategic Plan key actions being prioritised for 2024/25. A summary of our consultation can be found  here. 

Some of the highlights of what we will be delivering in 2024/25 include:

Investing more than $110m into our Capital Works Program - including over $56m for asset renewal for the $2 billion plus owned Council assets (including roads, footpaths, parks, buildings)

Committing 1.5% of our rate income to upgrading buildings in the Adelaide Park Lands - ensuring sporting clubs and our community have the facilities they need now and for future generations

Implementing the Mainstreet Revitalisation Program - starting upgrades in Hindley Street and designing with community input upgrades for Gouger, O’Connell and Hutt Streets

Investing $2.5m to drive affordable, safe and quality housing outcomes - including partnerships to support homelessness and initiatives to attract and retain residents

Stimulating growth in the city’s economy - through major investments such as 88 O’Connell, Market Square and the Council-led development at 218-232 Flinders Street

Focusing on core community services - including investing $22.889m on maintenance of open space and the Adelaide Park Lands, $8.325m on road renewals, $5.377m and $5.832m on waste management

Leading Adelaide into a climate resilient future - with $3.531m spent on implementing initiatives from our Integrated Climate Strategy

Funding through responsible principles of financial sustainability - reflecting a general rates revenue increase of 5.9%

Council will continue to welcome visitors back to our City, create a vibrant and culturally diverse community, drive economic growth for our businesses, protect and celebrate our Park Lands, improve our infrastructure for all to enjoy and show leadership through partnerships and by being financially sustainable.

Read more about our plan and budget for the year ahead: download the 2024/25 Business Plan and Budget, or view the summary brochure.

The Strategic Plan 2024-2028 focuses on the delivery of five aspirations: Our Community: vibrant, connected and inclusive; Our Environment: resilient, protected and sustainable; Our Economy: growing, innovative and responsive; Our Places: interesting, purposeful and safe; and Our Corporation: High performing, customer centric and bold.

This Business Plan and Budget focuses on investing in our Capital Works Program, committing 1.5% of our rates income to upgrading community Park Lands Buildings, implementing the Mainstreet Revitalisation Program, housing, stimulating growth in the city’s economy, focusing on core community services and leading Adelaide into a climate resilient future.

This year marks a transition to a new Strategic Plan and the preparation of a City Plan, reshaping our Long-Term Financial Plan, Asset Management Plans and meeting community expectations with our services.

Draft 2024/25 Budget Summary

To drive the delivery of our new Strategic Plan, Council will continue to focus on repairing our budget after historical financial pressures associated with frozen rates and the COVID-19 pandemic impacted our ability to renew assets, upgrade infrastructure and provide core community services. For 2024/25 Council is proposing to do this through:

  • A focus on delivery of the new Strategic Plan with key projects and infrastructure upgrades
  • Understanding what our community expects and delivering core council services
  • Delivery of a financially sustainable budget with an equitable approach to income generation, in line with our Long Term Financial Plan
  • Delivery of an operating position to meet the ongoing cost requirements of our Asset Management Plans, working towards a target of 100% asset renewals
  • An increase to rate revenue comparable to the sector, while re-introducing a rate rebate to support pensioners in our community
  • Prioritising our operational budget, grants and sponsorships and where there are opportunities to partner with other levels of Government to seek co-funding.