Project Background

Council was requested to investigate making a portion of Reeces Lane one-way between Sturt Street and O’Brien Street for vehicles entering the laneway from O’Brien Street travelling through to Sturt Street.

This request was received from a resident who believes there are traffic safety issues in the Lane.

In accordance with Section 32 of the Road Traffic Act, making a portion of Reeces Lane one-way requires public consultation.

Project Update

At its meeting on Tuesday, 23 July 2024 Council:

1. Noted the results of the traffic assessment, including stakeholder consultation and on-site observations for the proposed conversion of a section of Reeces Lane to one-way.

2. Approved the partial conversion of Reeces Lane, as contained in Attachment A to item 7.2 on the Agenda for the meeting of the Infrastructure and Public Works Committee held on 16 July 2024, to one-way traffic between the Lexus car park / workshop on the O’Brien Street end and the Lexus service centre drop off / pick up close to the Sturt Street end i.e. one-way westbound to northbound. The rest of Reeces Lane will remain two-way.

3. Noted that further engineering design and cost consideration will be undertaken in the 2024/25 financial year in conjunction with the Sturt Street / West Terrace intersection design, to improve the road gradient of Reeces Lane to reduce the risk of damage to vehicles while improving the line of sight to footpath users at the Sturt Street section.

4. Noted that the Lexus dealership in support of the road change has requested a “KEEP CLEAR” road markings on Sturt Street opposite Reeces Lane to ensure that vehicles exiting the facility are able to turn right from Reeces Lane into Sturt Street with minimal delays.

The agenda of the 16 July meeting of the Infrastructure and Public Works Committee can be found here, and minutes of the 23 July meeting of Council can be found here.