
Project Information & Background

16 December 2020

Project Information

Waste is something that we all interact with. Whether we are out at the shops, in our streets, at our favourite café, at work or at home, waste is something that needs to be managed.

Council provides a range of waste and recycling services to keep the city of Adelaide streets and communities clean and safe.

Council has developed a new resource recovery and waste strategy to support our community in reducing waste, recovering more resources and helping to reach our goal of becoming the first zero-waste city in Australia.

We sought feedback from our community in September-October 2020 to ensure that we did not miss anything and that our services and programs meet our community’s expectations.

Click here to view a video from Sandy Verschoor, The Lord Mayor of Adelaide, for further information.


Council provides several waste and recycling services. Residents and some eligible businesses are provided with a regular kerbside collection. Multi-unit dwellings can use a contractor, the Council kerbside collection or if eligible, can be provided with Council bulk bins that are shared by the residents. Waste and recycling bins are placed in public spaces for the convenience of users and to ensure our beautiful city remains clean and safe.

A comprehensive waste audit was conducted on City of Adelaide’s waste services in August 2019 so that we could better understand how we are doing and develop programs to better support our community. Further details about our service offering and our audit results can be found by clicking here to view Attachment A.