Light Square/Wauwi is envisioned as a place that enhances safety and wellbeing, with less impact from traffic. It increases green space, creating a safer and welcoming environment for people to meet, stay, walk, wheel and cycle.

During consultation to develop the draft Master Plan we asked what would make Light Square/Wauwi a great place to be in and move around. The most popular responses were for:

  • safety at intersections and crossings
  • well-lit paths
  • safer cycling lanes
  • accessible seating and paths for people of all ages.

The importance placed on safety from people who participated in consultation helped shape one of the three themes of the draft Master Plan – Greener, Safer and Inclusive.


The draft Master Plan has two options that both propose to reduce road area and prioritise safe entry points and pathways, improved intersections and crossings, traffic calming and better connect people with surrounding uses.

Image of options comparison
Options comparison legend

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*Note that the draft Master Plan is a concept and its implementation is unfunded and subject to future annual business plan and budget processes.