

29 November 2022

City of Adelaide has identified Hutt Street as one of four priority main streets and is developing comprehensive plans for place revitalisation.

Place Coordinators have been appointed as single point of contacts for each of these main streets and a process of targeted data gathering and stakeholder engagement has been underway since February 2021. The outcomes of the data gathering and engagement to date has informed the development of Action Plans for each of the priority main streets, with initiatives implemented to add vibrancy.

On 14 December 2021 the Main Street Master Plan Update report was presented to Council providing detailed updates for each priority main street. At this meeting, Council approved the draft long-term vision and objectives for key stakeholder and community engagement as part of the Hutt Street Master Plan draft.

The Hutt Street Master Plan draft provides a blueprint to visualise the street’s future potential and enable the City of Adelaide to plan and implement staged improvements.