

31 May 2024

The Draft Victoria Park Master Plan is a milestone in the master planning process and recognises multiple recommendations for the site to achieve the six vision statements.

  1. Be greener, cooler and more climate resilient
  2. Celebrate cultural and social values
  3. Continue to provide space for unprogrammed community use and connection to nature
  4. Be biodiverse and improve Adelaide’s open grassy woodland landscape character
  5. Provide consistent quality community sports and recreation
  6. Be a park that attracts and supports a diverse range of events and activities

The Master Plan proposes a series of site responsive interventions for the delivery of the final stages of Victoria Park, which was identified as a ‘Big Move’ for Places and Spaces in the Adelaide Park Lands Management Strategy 2015-2025.

Internal and external feedback captured through 2022 has been incorporated into the Draft Master Plan. A number of key stakeholders were engaged in the early stages of the project, to help shape the Master Plan and gain valuable insights into how the park is being used and managed, and to highlight key issues to be addressed in the Master Plan. In addition, community stakeholders, commercial operators, lease and license holders were also given the opportunity to provide input into the park’s strengths and weaknesses.

The draft Master Plan is presented for community consultation to further test priorities for actions which will be subject to staged implementation according to available Council budgets and resources. Council will also seek partnership opportunities to deliver the outcomes from federal, state and peak body stakeholders.