

4 March 2024

17 February 2023 update

Our invitation to help shape the future of the Adelaide Park Lands resulted in a strong response from the community and stakeholder groups. This valuable feedback is helping to identify key issues and opportunities that will inform the priorities and projects for inclusion in the revised APLMS.

Among the feedback were the following messages about the future of the Adelaide Park Lands:

  • Enhance connections, access and movement.
  • More and higher quality social infrastructure.
  • Create a better path network.
  • More native flora and fauna.
  • Create more attractions / destinations.
  • Make better use of smart technology.
  • Recognise and celebrate Kaurna culture and heritage.
  • Inclusive sporting facilities.
  • Cater for diversity / multi-cultural / all access.
  • Adapt to climate change.

A comprehensive summary of the engagement results is provided in the Adelaide Park Lands Management Strategy Review Phase One Engagement Progress Report: What We Heard.

5 September 2022 update

The initial engagement phase has now concluded. Thank you for all your valuable comments and emails regarding this project!

Project Information

Kadaltilla is the principal advisor to Adelaide City Council and the State Government on the protection, management, enhancement and promotion of the Adelaide Park Lands.

The Adelaide Park Lands Management Strategy (APLMS) identifies the actions, projects and ‘big moves’ that set the future direction of the Park Lands. The management of the APLMS is one of Kadaltilla's key responsibilities under the Adelaide Park Lands Act 2005. The review of the 2015-2025 APLMS is now underway.

How you can Participate

Community feedback is being sought at the following key stages:

  • July - August 2022: Initial engagement with the community and key stakeholder groups to help Kadaltilla determine the focus of the revised Strategy.
  • 20 August 2022: Kadaltilla Community Forum at the Adelaide Zoo, Plane Tree Centre (10am - 3pm). Program details are available here.
  • February - April 2023 (TBC): Consultation on the draft revised APLMS.

Complete the Survey

You can share your ideas, thoughts and suggestions about the future of the Park Lands by clicking here to complete our short survey below.

If you'd like to be kept up to date with community and stakeholder engagement activities in relation to the review of the APLMS, please provide your details under 'Stay Informed'.