
Background - 2018 Short Term Activation

23 May 2019

In May 2018, the City of Adelaide undertook an engagement process to gather early input from the community about their aspirations for the short-term activation and long-term development of Eighty-Eight O’Connell.

The engagement comprised a series of community sessions, and an online survey. The comments received indicated a strong desire to see the site activated in the short term, with the most frequently identified types of use being:

  • Events that enable the community to meet, gather and be active
  • Farmers’, arts and craft and night markets
  • Community fetes/fairs
  • Open air entertainment including art, music, theatre and outdoor movie events
  • Mobile food vendor events
  • Family and children’s events or activities.

Since April 2018, Council has delivered a successful activation program. The original plan focussed on quick, flexible improvements which invited people to the space to support the businesses within the area and included an allowance for bi-monthly low scale/budget activation and events. The program as delivered has exceeded this plan providing an interest across most months of the year. The activation program aimed to strengthen civic engagement and the attachment people feel to the site.