The City of Adelaide (CoA) asked for feedback on an application for a City Works Permit from Synergy Construct Australia Pty Ltd for:

A single westbound lane closure of North Terrace between Victoria Street and Morphett Street from 7.00am Monday 28 October 2024 to 5.00pm Saturday 28 February 2026* to allow for a loading bay / compound area to facilitate the construction of a hotel building.

(*in the event of unforeseen circumstances, the end date may be subject to an extension, with prior notification provided before an extension is granted).

Under Section 223 of The Local Government Act (SA)1999, CoA has a legislative requirement to consult the public if it proposes to grant an authorisation or permit (following receipt of an application for a City Works Permit) for works 'that would result in any part of a road being fenced, enclosed or partitioned so as to impede the passage of traffic to a material degree'.

Please visit City Works | City of Adelaide for more information about City Works Permits.

What happens next?

Public notification of City Works Permits applications decisions will be posted on Public notices | City of Adelaide and Our Adelaide.

Lane Closure Map

Lane closure map

Traffic Management Plans

Traffic management plan

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